Scenarios Module

Module for creating different PowerGAMA scenarios by scaling grid model parameters according to specified input.

powergama.scenarios.newScenario(base_grid_data, scenario_file, newfile_prefix=None)

Create new dataset by modifying grid model according to scenario file

This method replaces generator and consumer data according to information given in scenario file. Information that should not be replaced should be omitted from or have an empty value in the scenario file; the default is to keep existing value.

base_grid_data : GridData

PowerGAMA grid model object used as basis for modifications

scenario_file : string

Name of scenario file (CSV)

newfiles_prefix : string

Prefix used when creating new files. New files will be the same as old files with this additional prefix

powergama.scenarios.saveScenario(base_grid_data, scenario_file, verbose=True)

Saves the data in the current grid model to a scenario file of the format used to create new scenarios

base_grid_data : GridData

PowerGAMA GridData object

scenario_file : string

name of new scenario (CSV) file